Conditions We Treat

We Treat Many Dental Conditions

Are you concerned about bone density while considering dental implants? If so, bone grafting is a possible solution.
Conditions We Treat Hero Image

Broad Surgical Expertise to Treat Many Complex Dental Problems

Are you having trouble eating or sleeping because of a damaged or missing tooth? If yes, you don't need to suffer anymore - our board-certified surgeon in Naples, FL, can help you. We offer a range of surgical options at our state-of-the-art studio to relieve your pain and restore your oral health. Our team at the Florida Dental Implant Institute has years of experience in oral surgeries and uses advanced technology to make your treatment as comfortable and safe as possible. We truly care about our patients and will do everything we can to help you smile again.

Experts in Restoring Missing & Damaged Teeth

Suffering from multiple missing or damaged teeth can make it difficult to lead a comfortable and happy life. Many patients can't eat the foods they want or live as confidently as they could when they had a healthy, full smile. Additionally, your jawbone may have started to deteriorate, and your face may have that sunken-in look, which is common in cases of tooth loss. If you are experiencing any of these issues, you have come to the right place! We are here to assist you in restoring your smile and regaining your oral health with dental implants. Whether you need a single implant, same-day, or full-mouth treatments, we are at your service.

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Iserting Dental implants

Remedies for Missing Teeth

We offer a full range of options for our patients suffering from missing and damaged teeth.

1. Dental Implants

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Dental implants are considered the best tooth replacement option available. They offer a natural and long-lasting solution whether you need to replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or a full set of teeth. By functioning as an artificial tooth root, they also help prevent jawbone deterioration, which can lead to a sunken face appearance.

2. Implant Supported Dentures
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Implant-supported dentures are a type of false teeth replacement that is anchored with two to four dental implants. Unlike traditional removable dentures, these dentures are more stable and comfortable as they can easily snap in and out. Additionally, the implants serve as artificial roots that help maintain the health of your jawbone.

3. Dental Bridges
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When a patient has one or several missing teeth, dental bridges represent a commonly suggested solution. And there's a good reason for that as dental bridges use multiple connected crowns to fill in the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth. However, this option requires adjacent teeth to serve as the foundation for the bridge and puts patients at risk for further bone degradation compared to permanent implants.

Experts in Bone Regeneration & Grafting

Your smile is important, and your bones play a vital role in keeping it healthy and functional. The bone in your jaw supports your teeth and helps to keep your face looking young and healthy. But when you lose a tooth, the bone in your jaw no longer gets enough stimulation, which can cause it to shrink and weaken. This can lead to problems like loose or shifting teeth, jaw joint pain, and unflattering facial appearance changes. To stop these issues from happening or getting worse, we offer bone grafting services at the Florida Dental Implant Institute.

Dental team and doctors
Iserting Dental implants

Bone Loss Solutions

We offer a full range of bone grafting options for our patients suffering from bone loss.

1. Socket Preservation

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After a tooth extraction, we perform a bone grafting procedure known as socket preservation. This involves filling the empty tooth socket with bone graft material, which helps slow down the process of resorption in the area where the tooth was removed. Additionally, socket preservation can aid in maintaining the health of the bone until a dental implant can be placed.

2. Ridge Augmentation
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The process of ridge augmentation involves bone grafting to restore the original density and shape of a jaw ridge, either whole or in part. This procedure helps to improve the fit and comfort of dentures by increasing the levels of healthy bone in the jaw arch.

3. Sinus Lift
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If you have experienced a loss in bone density or volume in the premolar or molar areas of your jaw, a sinus lift could be a helpful solution. This procedure involves gently lifting the sinus cavity and inserting bone grafting material beneath it to restore proper bone height and density.

Are You Looking for an Alternative to Dentures?

Are you fed up with the inconvenience of dentures? Are you unable to eat all your favorite foods due to the risk of damaging your dentures? Is talking difficult for you? Do you suffer from dentures slipping forward in your mouth? Dentures can have a profound impact on your everyday life, making even the simplest tasks embarrassing or difficult. We see many patients who want a more permanent set of teeth, and we'd be more than happy to explain your options to you during a complimentary consultation.

Dental implants are considered the closest replacement for a natural tooth. They are able to restore the normal function and appearance of your smile without the loose and uncomfortable feeling of dentures.

Iserting Dental implants

Alternatives to Dentures

We offer a full range of bone grafting options for our patients suffering from bone loss.

1. Full Mouth Dental Implants

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After a tooth extraction, we perform a bone grafting procedure known as socket preservation. This involves filling the empty tooth socket with bone graft material, which helps slow down the process of resorption in the area where the tooth was removed. Additionally, socket preservation can aid in maintaining the health of the bone until a dental implant can be placed.

2. Implant Supported Dentures
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The process of ridge augmentation involves bone grafting to restore the original density and shape of a jaw ridge, either in part or whole. This procedure helps to improve the fit and comfort of dentures by increasing the levels of healthy bone in the jaw arch.

3. Zygomatic Dental Implants
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If you have experienced a loss in bone density or volume in the premolar or molar areas of your jaw, a sinus lift could be a helpful solution. This procedure involves gently lifting the sinus cavity and inserting bone grafting material beneath it to restore proper bone height and density.

Conditions We Treat

We often treat patients who are suffering from missing or damaged teeth or have been told that they don't have enough bone mass to support implants. Here are some of the common conditions we can treat:

Single Missing Tooth Replacement

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If you have a missing tooth, the Florida Dental Implant Institute can help you by correcting it with a single dental implant. You have two options for a single missing tooth: a fixed bridge or a dental implant. Although both options restore functionality and aesthetics, they are not the same, and most patients find dental implants to be far superior due to their ease, strength, and reliability. A traditional bridge requires the adjacent healthy teeth to be filed down to create the proper fit, while the implant does not. Moreover, the implant has a longer lifespan than the bridge, saving you time and money on follow-up appointments in the future.

Missing Two Front Teeth

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It can be quite distressing to have missing teeth in the front row, especially since an attractive smile is so crucial in so many situations. However, we offer a swift solution to replace those missing teeth with brand new dental implants at our Naples dental implant studio.

Missing Several Teeth

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When replacing several missing teeth, dental implants are considered the industry gold standard. This solution is an excellent option if you’re in overall good health and your jawbone and gums are healthy. Each tooth can be replaced individually with implants and separate crowns or we can craft an implant bridge.

Missing Most Teeth

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If you have lost the majority of your teeth, you will have to make a decision on whether to preserve the remaining ones or have them extracted and replaced with a full set of new teeth. We specialize in full-mouth dental implants, which means we can remove any remaining damaged teeth and provide you with a new set of permanent teeth.

Missing All of Your Teeth

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For those who are missing all their teeth, you can either get traditional dentures or full-mouth dental implants. The dental implants can either be permanent or removable. We recommend permanent full-mouth implants made from zirconia, which look and feel just like natural teeth.

Insufficient Bone for Dental Implants

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If you need new teeth, you may lack the bone mass needed to support dental implants. In such cases, the standard dental implant procedures may not be appropriate for you. We often receive referrals from other dentists who have declined their patients for dental implants due to bone loss. However, we can assist you in building up your jawbone for dental implants through bone grafting techniques.

Corrective Jaw Surgery

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Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic (or-thog-NATH-ik) surgery, corrects irregularities of the jawbones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work. Making these corrections may also improve your facial appearance.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

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Our experts at the Florida Dental Implant Institute perform wisdom teeth extractions on a case-by-case basis, a common procedure to fix or prevent problems with your last set of molars.

Creating captivating smiles

Rediscover the joy of a confident smile. With our state-of-the-art dental implant solutions, you're not just getting a procedure—you're investing in a lifetime of laughter, conversations, and moments shared. Whether you're looking to replace a single tooth or achieve a complete transformation, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Florida Dental Implant Institute specializes in implants and oral surgery. With 50+ years of combined expertise, we serve Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Lehigh Acres.

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